sean goedecke

Giving pushback to leadership

Saying no to leadership is sometimes necessary when you’re at the helm of a project. Whether they’re proposing a timeline that can’t be achieved, or asking for something that’s technologically impossible, adopting the word “no” into your regular vocabulary is your responsibility as an engineer.

But, pushing back against leadership has high stakes. Doing it well can actually build your leadership team’s trust in you, even though you’re telling them something they don’t want to hear. Doing it very badly can have serious repercussions for the success of the project or your own career.


The short version: you can’t avoid having to push back sometimes (or your projects will fail). You need to know exactly what and who you’re pushing back against. Make sure you’re helping your manager make a decision, not making one for them, and prepare to sometimes get totally shut down.

On April 1, 2025, I’ll edit this post to contain the full article text.

January 16, 2025